
Welcome to SEIZE: The Blog

      Hello, ladies and gents, and welcome to the official blog for SEIZE. We know you all must be wondering, "What is Seize, and what are they all about." Well wonder no more, let us explain who we are. SEIZE, is a collective group of 9 individuals, 9 very different people, all connected by our love of expressing creativity. Whether it be through the creative outlets of style, music, art or photography, we're embracing it. Apart from creativity, we also believe in living above the norm. We appreciate our uniqueness, our little quirks and ideals that others may see as different or even weird, because it's what makes us who we are. SEIZE is also about a journey to success, a journey to meet aspirations and make our desired dreams come true. We're just a group of friends  trying to spread the message that's it's okay to be different, weird, eccentric, funny, and everything else that makes you, YOU. 

Live life, have fun doing it, all while seizing life one day at a time. 

The members of SEIZE.

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